Fertility books I love

As a lover of books, when I was starting out on my fertility journey I started reading all I could to learn how I could optimize my fertility. After reading dozens of books I’ve pared my list down to the essentials. These are all based on the principles of Chinese medicine. They have both a wealth of knowledge in the practical to do’s, but also the emotional and spiritual realms of fertility.

Awakening Fertility - by Ou, Greeven, & Belger

The Infertility Cure - by Randine Lewis

Feed your Fertility - by Bartlett & Erlich

Taking Charge of your Fertility - by Weschler

And if you don’t have time to be reading a bunch of books, you can reach out to me and we can schedule an online consultation to get you started with a solid foundation to your fertility journey.

Email me to see what that entails and how I can offer you personalized attention.

